Explore the Journey to Financial Wellness

3 Tips for Increasing Your Savings That Don't Involve Making More Money financial wellness saving Mar 21, 2022

Have you ever read those blogs that talk about ways to increase your savings and the biggest takeaway is “make more money?” I have a real issue with this for a few reasons. Number one,THANK YOU...for stating the obvious. Second of all, making more money is only half the battle, ...

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Put me in the game coach! — Here’s how a financial coach can help you transform and elevate financial wellness relationship with money Mar 10, 2022

Life coach, business coach, fitness coach, and finance coach; nowadays, you can get a coach for just about anything. Growing up, I was a three-sport athlete (volleyball, basketball, and softball) in high school. I had many coaches throughout the years, some of which were better than others. The...

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Your Money Can Do More Than Pay Bills | 4 Steps to Setting Strong Financial Goals financial goals financial wellness Nov 08, 2021

Setting goals gives you long-term vision and motivation in the short-term. Think about it; your goals help guide your steps day-to-day. It's how you develop a sense of direction and focus. For example, if your goal is to live a healthier lifestyle and lose weight, you're going to do your best to...

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4 Reasons You Cannot Afford To Skip Out on Your Budget budgeting financial wellness Sep 23, 2021

Budgeting gets such a bad rap these days. People think budgets are restrictive and rigid. They hear the word “budget” and immediately think of all the things you can’t do or buy if you’re on a budget. A budget is simply a spending plan for your money. According to a recent...

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3 Ways Guided to Wealth Can Change Your Life financial wellness relationship with money Sep 18, 2021

Guided to Wealth is a financial success firm founded to help generational wealth starters and builders make better decisions with money. Before Guided to Wealth, there was no path to wealth for people who looked like me, no blueprint, no place to ask the questions we should already know the...

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