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5 Things you can do to prepare for your “New Year, New Me”

financial goals Dec 20, 2021

As we approach the end of a year and the beginning of a new one, it’s time to reflect and reset. The New Year acts like a blank slate or just another opportunity to get it right. For many people, there’s a renewed energy and sense of motivation to get stuff done. I challenge you to take advantage of the timing and make something great happen. It could be getting healthy, managing your money better, or even learning to live your life to the fullest. Even with the best intentions, some people fail at accomplishing their goals. Here are 5 things you can do to prepare:

1. Reflect and channel your WHY

It's important to reflect before you start thinking about changing and evolving into a new version of yourself. Reflecting allows you to deepen your understanding and evaluate the effectiveness of things. In the context of setting goals and resolutions, it's easy to lose track of how far you've come and what has and has not worked for you because life moves so fast for us. Reflect on the last few months, the previous year, or the last few years. Are you pleased with where you are right now? What has gone well for you? What areas of your life could you have been more intentional? What is important to you at this point in your life? 

These reflection points will help you uncover your areas of strength and opportunities. You should also better understand what is important to you and why. When you can tie your resolutions back to a bigger purpose, you're more likely to stick to them. 

2. Pick just a few things to focus on

Trying to accomplish everything will almost always lead you to accomplish nothing. Attempting to focus on too many action steps at once is one of the main reasons people fail to continue with their New Year’s resolutions. Putting too many things on the plate will almost always lead you to feel overwhelmed. When you reflect on your why and values, you will uncover what those few things should be. Then, you can give the proper attention and action to hit the goals that matter. You will have the fuel you need to gain momentum and see results.  

3. Plan ahead

You have to set yourself up for success by planning ahead. Think about the tools and resources you need to succeed with your resolutions. When you take the larger goal and break it down into smaller ones, you can see what it takes to hit the larger target. For example, if your goal is to save $5,000 next year. You may find that you will need to save about $416 per month. Right now, the budget may be a little tight, so cutting expenses and making more money will likely be a part of your plan to hit your goal. You can evaluate a few options that feel right for you when you plan. Maybe you need to consider partnering with a coach to hit the goal. Plan ahead to map out exactly what you need to hit your milestones. 

4. Anticipate problems and hiccups

The road to success is not linear. There will be hiccups along the way, and not only is it okay— it’s expected. Those unhealthy or undesired habits you are trying to change probably took years to develop, so how can you expect to change them in just a matter of days, weeks, or months? Remember to give yourself some grace. People often think all is lost when they get off track and use it as an excuse to get even further off track. Even if you make a misstep or two, you can restart and continue on your journey towards your goal. Daily affirmations and your accountability partner can help you get back on track.

5. Plan to celebrate

Celebrate your accomplishments! It’s more important than you may realize. When you acknowledge what you’re good at and what you have accomplished, it builds your confidence and helps you continue to do it. It doesn’t have to be a grand celebration, but take the time to make space for yourself. You deserve it. 

When it’s all said and done…

You have to start somewhere. My only ask is that this time next year you’re not in the same place. We know you can do it. 

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